Suits, the legal drama TV series gained popularity with it’s witty and high-powered characters, stylish outfits, blink-and-you’ll-miss events and of course, a touch of romance. It is too awesome that we hardly remember Ally McBeal anymore. While we are practically on the verge of our seats, screaming in agony as we wait for the next episode, we can sit back and ponder what career lessons we can have with all these hypes.


1. Do not mind the time while working

We are all probably musing on how the characters can stay up late in the office and be at work early the next day. In real life, of course, we have so many reasons to consider like traffic and family obligations. But, if you enjoy what you are doing (okay, or at least try to), you would not be checking the time and start clearing your desk 15 minutes before your shift ends. Concentrate on getting things done instead of doing frequent time checks. You will be surprised at how many quality tasks you can accomplish.


2. Look after your team and consider them as a family (even if you don’t like them)

The rivalry between Louis and Harvey rivals even the highest skyscraper in the city. Yes, the feeling of hate is mutual. But, they set it aside and do marvelous things when needed. It is easier to be nice of course with the person whom you like, but you should not disregard anyone, especially if he or she is a member of your team. So go ahead, spit the occasional comebacks when things get a bit irritating but keep your pride in place when it is time to work out together.



3. Always look like you mean business

The sight of Jessica Pearson and Harvey Specter together in a business meeting is enough to make a business rival shake with fear. From their power suits up to their projection. If you want to be taken seriously at work then, dress the part and BE the part.


4. A personal touch is always nice

It is crazy when you ponder in real life the amount of effort the characters do to meet a person in another place to just drop a winning one or two liner phrase. I am always like, hey, a phone call should do the trick, right? Wrong! Do not underestimate the power of personal touch. In the environment of text and emails, it is always a delightful change when we personally say “thank you” once in awhile instead of a generic text or email.


5. Be like Donna when you can

Everybody loves Donna. She is the jack-of-all-trades at work, always have a winning attitude and more importantly, always willing to extend a hand for those who need it. So, it comes as no surprise that everybody jumps in to save her when she got into a tight spot. If your workload permits, try to help your colleagues once in awhile even if there is nothing in store for you. Not only that it makes you more likable and possibly garnering more respect at work, but, when the time comes, your colleagues would likely to return the favor even if not being asked.


6. Do not let office romance interfere with work

Oh, the romance! Mike and Rachel, Harvey and Donna, even Jessica and Jeff. Office romance is truly inevitable. yes, they do steal a couple of moments of affection or argument in the office but it never interfered with how they handle business at work. For lovebirds, try to make an effort to draw a line in balancing work and romance. There is always time for the latter later.


See? Who would have thought that spending tons of time watching a TV series can be beneficial at work?

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